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Temporary particularities for projects using the new software-defined networking 'OVN'

Our cloud team is conducting a transition to a new software-defined networking (SDN) which is called 'OVN'. Until the transition is complete, our network service is running in parallel mode supporting both SDNs. However, since the previous SDN ('Midonet') is still the default choice for the OpenStack API, there are a few special considerations for projects that are already using OVN.

Please note the following restrictions in OVN projects:

  • Floating IPs can take up to 5 minutes to become reachable
  • To create networks with terraform Terraform the network_type has to be specified:
    resource "openstack_networking_network_v2" "net" {
      name = "net"
      segments {
        network_type = "geneve"

  • It is not possible to create Networks via the Horizon UI, instead they should be provisioned via the CLI like so:
    openstack network create --provider-network-type geneve network1

  • In an OpenStack project LoadBalancers need to be created with the options "--flavor ovn --availability-zone ovn", Kubernetes clusters will automatically choose the right LoadBalancer flavor and AZ
    openstack loadbalancer create --vip-subnet-id mysubnet --name lb1 --flavor ovn --availability-zone ovn