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96 total results found


Contract matters


Cloud Services

Cloud Services based on OpenStack





Contract related documents



Getting Started


Administrative Tasks


Advanced Topics


Getting Started


Administrative Tasks


Getting Started

Cloud Services

Administrative Tasks

Cloud Services







Contract administration


Icinga Master




Icinga Satellite






Node Taints

Kubernetes Advanced Topics

Do not hesitate to taint worker nodes. Our DaemonSets (e.g. csi-cinder-nodeplugin) will tolerate all of them and still be scheduled on the worker nodes.


Kubernetes Advanced Topics

Static Hostnames Static hostnames can be set in an extra ConfigMap called "coredns-extra-hosts" inside the kube-system namespace. apiVersion: v1 data: hosts.list: | kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: coredns-extra-hosts ...


Kubernetes Administrative Tasks

Kubernetes Upgrades Supported Versions < v1.24 v1.25 v1.26 v1.27 v1.28 v1.29 v1.30 Supported ✔️ [1] ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Best effort ✔️ ✔️ Deprecated ✔️ [1]: supported until June 2024. What is the recommended way to upgrade NWS Managed Kuberne...

Nodes and Nodegroups

Kubernetes Administrative Tasks

Resizing Nodegroups Nodes are organized in nodegroups. If you want to create new nodes or delete existing ones you have to resize the nodegroup. The nodegroup defines which flavor will be used for new nodes. To resize a nodegroup select the "Nodegroups" tab an...

Attaching a snapshot (as an additional volume) to a Ceph-based VM

Cloud Services Administrative Tasks

Locate snapshot Visit the details page of your VM, click on the VM name, you will see the following screen and the attached disc. Click on the disc to go to the overview page.  Switch to the snapshots tab to view the snapshots created manually or automatic...

Starting MyEngineer


Sign in to your NWS Account and start the MyEngineer-App A valid means of payment must first be deposited before you can start Kubernetes, OpenStack, DBaaS or MyEngineerHere you can find instructions for setup your payment method. The MyEngineer app works ...

Contact our MyEngineers


Start with MyEngineer Start our MyEngineer-Support-Service on your NWS-dashboard. Start to find out how this works! Contact our Engineers On the "Get started" Tab you find all possible ways to contact us: Mail Just write a mail to Tick...

Functions overview


Get started Here you will find the most important general information:- How can you reach us in case of need?- What are the conditions?- Where are we located? Tickets Here you can find all tickets that have ever been opened in connection with your NWS acc...

General information

NWS-ID Getting Started

What is NWS-ID? It is the home of your user profile. Here you can update you personal profile data, set or request a new password or enable the two-factor-authentification. You will more detailed information at NWS-ID. Where can I reset my password? You fin...

Manage Payment method

Contracts Contract administration

In order to start our K8s, OpenStack or DBaaS services, you need to deposit a payment method in advance: To do this, click on the person icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen in our customer interface ( Choose "Ma...

MyEngineer Introduction


General Information You can start and use our NETWAYS Cloud (OpenStack) and Kubernetes Service completely independently. But if you need support in the operation of your environment, you can book the MyEngineer Service. MyEngineer features Personal contact ...

User and Groups

NWS-ID Administrative Tasks

User and Groupmanagement How can I add colleague to my organization? In the NWS Customer Interface, click on your user icon in the upper right corner and select "User" or "User Groups". Just paste the email and click on "Invite". You can find a second way ...

Create NWS Managed Kubernetes

Kubernetes Getting Started

To start our Managed Kubernetes service, you must first create an account on our NWS Customer Interface and provide a valid payment method.  After that you can create your Kubernetes project. It should take less than a minute until the project is ready. The p...


Kubernetes Getting Started

With NWS Managed Kubernetes you have full control over all resources in your cluster. Please adhere to these rules: do not schedule your own pods on master nodes keep out of the kube-system namespace * * unless you want to do stuff that is well document...

Starting further clusters in the same K8s project

Kubernetes Getting Started

If you need a staging cluster and a production cluster, this can easily be done in the same Kubernetes app - but you'll need to launch separate clusters for each. Multiple clusters can be started in the same product, even with the same subnet. The respectiv...

Connect to the created cluster

Kubernetes Getting Started

Now that the cluster is built and kubectl is already installed, it is time to connect to the cluster. This is done by clicking on "Download-Config" in the context menu next to the cluster in the NWS backend. The just downloaded Config must now be moved to...

Related Links


On our tutorials page you will find numerous articles about Kubernetes.  

High-IOPS PersistentVolumes

Kubernetes Advanced Topics

To use High-IOPS PersistentVolumes in your Managed Kubernetes Cluster you need to manually create a High-IOPS StorageClass and reference it in the PVC resources. kind: StorageClass allowVolumeExpansion: true apiVersion: metadata: annotation...


One Click Deployments

Kubernetes Administrative Tasks

We prepared some software stacks that you can deploy to your cluster with just one click. Prometheus monitoring Click the "Enable Prometheus-Monitoring" button in the cluster's context menu to install the kube-prometheus-stack helm chart to your cluster. The...

Cluster Autoscaling

Kubernetes Administrative Tasks

Here is how to enable Cluster Autoscaling: First click "Enable Autoscaling" in the cluster's context menu. This will create the cluster-autoscaler deployment in your cluster. To ensure that everything went fine, run the following command: $ kubectl get deploym...