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21 total results found

Starting MyEngineer


Sign in to your NWS Account and start the MyEngineer-App A valid means of payment must first be deposited before you can start Kubernetes, OpenStack, DBaaS or MyEngineerHere you can find instructions for setup your payment method. The MyEngineer app works ...

Contact our MyEngineers


Start with MyEngineer Start our MyEngineer-Support-Service on your NWS-dashboard. Start to find out how this works! Contact our Engineers On the "Get started" Tab you find all possible ways to contact us: Mail Just write a mail to Tick...

Functions overview


Get started Here you will find the most important general information:- How can you reach us in case of need?- What are the conditions?- Where are we located? Tickets Here you can find all tickets that have ever been opened in connection with your NWS acc...

Manage Payment method

Contracts Contract administration

In order to start our K8s, OpenStack or DBaaS services, you need to deposit a payment method in advance: To do this, click on the person icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen in our customer interface ( Choose "Ma...

MyEngineer Introduction


General Information You can start and use our NETWAYS Cloud (OpenStack) and Kubernetes Service completely independently. But if you need support in the operation of your environment, you can book the MyEngineer Service. MyEngineer features Personal contact ...

Create NWS Managed Kubernetes

Kubernetes Getting Started

To start our Managed Kubernetes service, you must first create an account on our NWS Customer Interface and provide a valid payment method.  After that you can create your Kubernetes project. It should take less than a minute until the project is ready. The p...

Starting further clusters in the same K8s project

Kubernetes Getting Started

If you need a staging cluster and a production cluster, this can easily be done in the same Kubernetes app - but you'll need to launch separate clusters for each. Multiple clusters can be started in the same product, even with the same subnet. The respectiv...

Connect to the created cluster

Kubernetes Getting Started

Now that the cluster is built and kubectl is already installed, it is time to connect to the cluster. This is done by clicking on "Download-Config" in the context menu next to the cluster in the NWS backend. The just downloaded Config must now be moved to...

Getting started

Apps GitLab

Difference between CE and EE GitLab CE - Community EditionIncludes the basic, free feature set of GitLab. GitLab EE - Enterprise EditionYou benefit from 100+ enterprise featuresHere you need Enterprise licences that are not included in the NWS. The GitLab En...

Related links

Apps GitLab

GitLab documentation FAQ Blog  

Administrative Tasks

Apps GitLab

Customization 1. Subdomain Just go to your GitLab app in the NWS Customer Interface and click on "Settings". Open the "CNAME"- tab and fill in your subdomain. 2. Customer Domain To setup your Customer Domain, the following things must be fulfilled /accompl...

Getting started

Apps Nextcloud

Starting the app Create an account on NWS Customer Interface.  After finishing your registration, you have two possibilities to start your app: Click on the desired service at the left tool bar Click on the "start app now"-button and choose the desired...

Administrative Tasks

Apps Nextcloud

Changing language Just go to your Nextcloud app in the NWS Customer Interface and click on "Settings". The first point is setting up the "Default language". Customization 1. Subdomain Just go to your Nextcloud app in the NWS Customer Interface and click o...

Related links

Apps Nextcloud

Nextcloud Documentation FAQ Blog

Getting started

Apps Rocket.Chat

Starting the app Create an account on NWS Customer Interface.  After finishing your registration, you have two possibilities to start your app: Click on the desired service at the left tool bar Click on the "start app now"-button and choose the desired...

Administrative Tasks

Apps Jitsi

Customization Just go to your Jitsi app in the NWS Customer Interface and click on "Settings". Go to  "Design Settings". Here you can: 1. Edit Background color Click on the Color-field and choose your desired color. Press "Save customization" to save the c...

Advanced Topics

Apps Jitsi

Recording a video conferene Recording is not possible in our Jitsi app.  If recording is an indispensable tool for you, we can setup an individual Jitsi instance for you on our OpenStack where we can activate custom features like recording, special branding,...

What does Managed mean?


We offer a managed Kubernetes service. What does Managed mean at NMS: 1. We install the cluster here you can find more info about starting your cluster 2. We operate and monitor your cluster If a master or worker changes to "not ready", we will be a...

S1 and S2 Flavor stacks: Differences between our two VM categories

Cloud Services Getting Started

If you want to start a VM in our OpenStack, you have the choice between two VM categories: S1 and S2.  These differ, apart from hard disk size and compute power (CPU and RAM), mainly in two points: in the IOPS and the bandwidth. IOPS: This standard unit of ...

Getting started

Apps BookStack

Starting the app Create an account on NWS Customer Interface.  After finishing your registration, you have two possibilities to start your app: Click on the desired service at the left tool bar Click on the "start app now"-button and choose the desired...